

A maximum of 64 transfer credits may be recorded on the Smith transcript. 美国和国外认可的高等教育机构接受转学分. Normally only those courses falling within the scope of Smith's liberal arts curriculum will be approved. Credit is evaluated 和 transferred on a course-by-course basis with approval from the registrar.


有兴趣在其他地方学习的在册学生必须事先获得国内学习注册主任或学校的批准 国际学习办公室 国外课程.

国内转移信贷, 完成转学分申请并将其提交给注册办公室,其中包括面对面课程的课程描述和在线课程的课程大纲. You will be notified of pre-approval status after all materials are submitted.


在澳门葡京博彩软件的秋季和春季学期,学生不得在其他机构注册课程. 这包括夏季和期中/冬季课程,这些课程与澳门葡京博彩软件常规学期的开始和结束重叠. 在秋季和春季学期通过五所学院交换的课程不被视为双入学.


  • 课程 falling within the scope of Smith's liberal arts curriculum
  • Math courses at the level of pre-calculus 和 above
  • Computer science courses which involve problem solving 和 use of a language such as Java, Python, 或JavaScript来获得学分. 课程 such as Introduction to Data Processing will not receive credit
  • 新闻学课程的教学大纲由注册主任和新闻学专业主任审核
  • 团体表演音乐课程(一.e.,合唱团,管弦乐队,乐队)
  • Independent study which has been evaluated 和 approved by the appropriate academic department at Smith
  • 一门会计课程(最多4学分)
  • 一门演讲课程(最多4学分),由雅各布森中心的注册主任和主任审核
  • Online courses may be considered for credit for currently enrolled Smith students. 不计入接收院校学生学位学分的课程不接受转学分.


  • 在澳门葡京博彩软件的一个需要一整年语言学习的系,只教第一学期的介绍性语言课程(请查阅学院目录了解系规)。
  • Internships of any kind, including those linked to course work
  • Pre-professional courses including but not limited to legal studies, 业务, 营销与管理, 通信, 刑事司法, 护理, 社会工作
  • English as a Second Language or other remedial courses
  • CLEP或分班考试
  • 后备军官训练队和/或军事课程
  • 参加团体运动


You may transfer up to 64 credits to your Smith record.

  • 12 approved summer school credits (including pre-matriculation summer credit)
  • 12 approved 小学期 credits at Smith or elsewhere
  • No more than 4 credits during any one 小学期 at Smith or elsewhere
  • 16 pre-matriculation credits toward a Smith degree
  • 暑期总学分不超过32学分, 小学期, Advanced Placement or other pre-matriculation credits
  • 学生 are allowed up to 12 credits at any one level of language study; consult with the chair of the relevant department
  • ESS绩效课程通常不超过一个学期的学分,最多可获得4个转学和澳门葡京博彩软件ESS学分
  • 舞蹈表演课程通常不超过2个学分,最多可获得12个转学和澳门葡京博彩软件舞蹈学分(非舞蹈专业)和20个学分(舞蹈专业)
  • 24个音乐表演学分
  • No more than 8 credits may be transferred for courses in expository writing
  • No more than 4 credits may be transferred for math courses at the pre-calculus level

网上转帐学分 & 标准

In response to the Covid-19 p和emic 和 related impacts on higher education, Smith is easing its restriction on acceptance of transfer credit from online course work.

进入澳门葡京博彩软件的传统学生, 第一次/第一年的学生最多可以为符合以下标准的在线课程转16个学分. 这包括已经获得学分的预科课程(AP学分/大学学分), below) 和 course work taken after matriculation at Smith.

学生 who enter Smith as transfer students, 包括Ada Comstock澳门葡京博彩软件, may transfer in more than 16 credits of online coursework if taken 之前 to matriculation at Smith. 在线转学学分超过16学分的学生必须获得学术委员会的批准,才能在入学期间进行额外的在线转学工作.

Online 转让学分政策 和 标准

All existing policies governing transfer credit at 澳门葡京博彩软件 apply to courses taken online. Please see general transfer credit requirements on this page for additional information 和 转让学分政策. 除了这些一般需要之外, online courses must also meet the following criteria to be approved for transfer credit:

  • 完成网上课程 之前 to spring 2020 semester is not normally eligible for transfer credit.
  • Online courses must be offered by a regionally accredited college or university, 和 must be applicable to an undergraduate degree at that school. For that reason, MOOCs 和 other non-credit or credit-optional courses (e.g.、edX、Coursera、Udacity等.)不符合转学分资格.
  • Online courses must be offered during a defined term/session, 有明确的开始和结束日期, 和 可能不 be self-paced or entirely asynchronous.
  • 在线课程只能在夏季或冬季假期(不与秋季或春季学期重叠)或学生从澳门葡京博彩软件休假期间(针对已录取的学生)进行。.
  • Online courses must have structured progression through course material.
  • Online courses must include significant student-faculty student-student interaction, in addition to assignments 和 feedback.

学生必须向注册办公室提交完整的教学大纲和转学分申请表,由注册办公室审查. The syllabus should provide clear indication of the above requirements. 学生应该为审查过程提供充足的时间,并建议在确认预先批准之前不要注册在线课程.


在美国其他地方取得学分的任何课程都必须填写转学分申请表. Official transcripts should be submitted to:

北安普顿MA 01063


我们接受未开封的成绩单, sealed envelopes or sent by secure electronic transcript providers. H和 delivered transcripts are not accepted if opened.

成绩单 for credit earned abroad should be sent to the 国际学习办公室.


五所学院交换 course are not considered transfer credit 和 are not subject to transfer credit restrictions; however, normally only those courses falling within the scope of Smith's liberal arts curriculum will be approved.

马萨诸塞大学的学期和暑期课程不包括在五所学院交换计划中,因此被认为是可转换学分, subject to the restrictions 和 procedures required for the acceptance of transfer credit.

AP Credit/入学前获得的大学学分

Credits completed 之前 to matriculation as a degree student (college level work, AP, IB, 和 A-levels) are not applied to the degree immediately upon approval. 这些课程将被添加到您的记录中,并且只有在以下情况下才可以应用学分(请参阅您的 类院长 有关详情):

  1. to make up a shortage of credit incurred through failure.
  2. 得到了班长的同意, to make up a shortage of credit incurred as a result of withdrawing from a course for reasons of health.
  3. to undertake an accelerated course program (completing the degree requirements in six or seven semesters). 

入学前在暑期学校修完的任何学分都计入该学位所允许的12学分的暑期学分限制. 最多一个学期(16学分)的任何预科学分组合都可以计算在学位中.

各学术部门负责决定是否将转学课程计入专业要求. 预科学分也可计入本专业以外的64学分,或作为高级课程的先决条件,但不计入学位.

Pre-matriculation学分 可能不 可以用来减少你的课程负担或满足拉丁荣誉课程的分配要求或写作强化要求.

Advanced Placement (AP) 和 International Baccalaureate (IB) Credit

Smith accepts AP scores of 4 or 5 on most AP exams 和 IB scores of 5, 6, 大多数高级考试是7分. 

Exams accepted 和 course equivalents determined by the departments are listed below.





  1. The course is taken on a college/university campus with matriculated degree students, 和 is taught by a college/university professor.
  2. The course is not listed on the high school transcript as a course counting towards the high school diploma.
  3. A grade of B- or better is earned in the course.
  4. The course meets the 澳门葡京博彩软件 guidelines for transfer credit.



A-Levels, French Baccalaureate, 和 Other Diploma 项目

Smith accepts A-level grades of A 和 B on most Advanced level exams. 经注册官审查,法国学士学位和一些美国以外的13年课程可能被接受.