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Work Schedules

Section 204

Weekly Work Schedules

Positions are classified according to the number of hours worked each week. The following describes the usual weekly work schedules:

Full-time: Most full-time exempt administrative and non-exempt/administrative support positions at the college have a regular work schedule of 35 hours per week; however, some positions call for regular schedules of up to 40 hours a week. A staff member working 35 hours or more per week is considered “full-time.”

Regular part-time: Staff members in this category work regular schedules of 17.每周5小时或更长时间——至少是正常每周35小时全职时间表的一半. 尽管类似职位的正常全职工作时间可能是每周40小时, any staff member working a regular schedule of 17.5 hours or more per week is considered regular part-time.

Less than half-time: Staff members in this category work regular schedules of less than 17.5 hours a week.

Annual Work Schedules

学院的运作需要根据每个办公室或部门的需要制定各种年度工作计划.  The following describe the usual annual work schedules:

Fiscal-year (12-Month) positions: 这些职位的工作人员计划从7月1日到6月30日工作12个月(52周).

Academic-year positions: 教职员工在学期期间大约工作9个月. 学年开始于秋季开学前一周,结束于毕业典礼后整整一周(一般为39周)。.

Other: Most college positions have either fiscal-year or academic-year schedules.  However, based on the special operational needs of specific offices or departments, a few employees work 9-1/2, 10, or 11 months (i.e., 40, 44, or 48 weeks) per year.

Normal Work Hours

The normal business hours for administrative offices are 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. However, there are some departments in which the workday may begin at 8:00 a.m. or end at 5:00 p.m. 所有行政办公室都应配备人员,并在办公时间内开放电话和亲自访问. 正常的工作时间是每天7小时(每周35小时),午餐时间没有报酬. Employees in some departments work a standard eight-hour day. For additional information, please refer to the section Flexible Work Schedules later on in this section

Non-exempt (hourly) staff: The demands of the academic year or unusually heavy office workloads will, at times, require overtime work. Employees may be required to work overtime during such periods. 非豁免员工在日常工作计划外进行的工作必须事先得到主管或部门主管的批准. 

主管有时可能会要求员工改变他们正常的每周工作计划,以适应工作量. 如有必要作出调整,监事应合理提前通知.

Exempt (salaried) staff: Administrative positions, by the very nature of their duties and responsibilities, often require irregular and heavy work schedules. Occasional service in excess of the regular workweek and, in some assignments, regular service on evenings and weekends, may be expected, to meet the responsibilities of the position.

行政人员应该在正常工作计划外投入任何必要的时间来完成分配给他们的职责, 每周工作超过35小时,通常没有资格获得补偿时间.

Summer Hours

The normal summer workday begins at 8 a.m. and ends at 4 p.m. 夏季课程从毕业典礼后的第二个星期一开始,一直持续到九月开学前一周. However, some departments may continue to be open until 4:30 p.m. 人力资源办公室每年公布夏季工作时间的具体日期.

Attendance, Punctuality, and Reporting of Absence

你应该在计划好的工作日开始时准时到场. If you are unable to report to work, or are going to be late for any reason, 你应该及时通知你的主管,并告知他/她你的缺勤时间. Except in the case of serious illness or injury, you are expected to call your supervisor each day you will be absent. 经常迟到和计划外缺勤将会受到纪律处分.  

You could require documentation from an employee for any time that exceeds 24 consecutively scheduled work hours; exceeds 3 consecutive days on which the employee was scheduled to work; or occurs after 4 unforeseeable and undocumented absences within a 3-month period.

Lunch Hours

全职工作人员每天有一小时的无薪午餐休息时间,由部门主管根据该办公室的需要安排.  Where possible, 午餐时间是错开的,以便在必须全天开放的办公室里提供连续的服务. Lunch hours may not be shortened or accumulated for additional time off. 

For staff members who work a daily part-time schedule, 马萨诸塞州联邦规定,工作6小时后必须有30分钟的无薪休息时间. 

Rest Periods

Paid rest periods or breaks are no more than 10 to 15 minutes; supervisors are responsible for scheduling breaks convenient to department operations. 在休息时间,办公室里的电话应该有足够的覆盖率. 休息时间不能用来延长用餐时间,也不能在工作开始时休息. 如果你不能休息,你不能积累时间以供以后使用.

Release Time for College-Related Activities

With the approval of your supervisor, 你可能会有合理的带薪休假时间参加委员会或信息会议, community forums, training workshops, 以及在你的正常工作时间举办的其他学校赞助的活动. 大学相关活动的空闲时间不能影响你完成工作任务的能力或对部门运作产生不利影响.

Working at Home

非豁免雇员一般不会把大学作业带回家或在家工作, either during or after regular work hours. Exempt staff may, and are sometimes expected to, take work home to meet the responsibilities of their positions.

Flexible Work Schedules 

学院鼓励灵活的工作时间安排,以帮助员工满足个人/家庭的需求,从而在满足学院运营需求的同时留住有价值的员工.  An alternate work schedule requested by an employee must also meet the department's needs; in essence, 员工和主管必须建立合作关系,以确保在要求的时间表更改的情况下完成所需的工作. To ensure adequate departmental staffing, once an alternate work schedule has been approved, the employee is responsible for following this schedule. Alternate work schedules may not be possible in all positions or departments, and are subject to change.


Personal Business

部门主管和主管可考虑偶尔调整工作时间的要求,以照顾必须在正常工作时间内处理的个人事务. 短暂的缺勤通常可以利用私人时间或假期来弥补. At the discretion of the department head or supervisor, 员工也可以在一周中休假的另一天补上时间.